
Hey, did you guys grab your binoculars and check out the super cool Saturn and Jupiter conjunction?   Ya, me neither.  I mean, I saw some photos on Instagram and that’s just gonna have to be enough.  With optimal viewing time clocking in around 4am in this neck of the woods, it rests just outside a new sleep schedule. A schedule that took half a year and a pandemic to resemble something relatively normal (morning daywalkers!).  

Celestial events aside, as we say goodbye to 2020 (good riddance), this time of year is usually ripe with best-of lists and top ten’s as media outlets fill the time when their staff are getting day drunk on egg nog with the family.  

Why should we be any different? 

Reluctantly, I must say that 2020 was not a landmark year for music, in my opinion.   While the unprecedented down-time for artists provided ample time to get in the studio and lay some things down, my feeling is the lack of experience from living a proper life has not yet provided the suitable environment for inspiration.  Not quite yet at least. 

That being said, there have been some bright spots and my hope is that next year we are hit with an avalanche of epic jams to lead us into what could very well be the modern equivalent of the Roaring Twenties.  Pent up demand for live shows and experiences could be fertile ground for an artistic renaissance the likes of which our generation has never seen.  

Fingers crossed when the clock strikes twelve on the 31st and COVID magically disappears (lol), we will all wake up in a better time full of hope and opportunity. 

Or the darkest winter in recent memory.  It’s a toss-up.  

Before closing things out for the year check back with us for a round-up of our favourite Tech House picks, in addition to our yearly rundown of the best from the Alternative music world in our annual feature Alternity. That and anything else we can cram into the last few days before the ball drops in Times Square. Meet you there 😉 

Until then, stay as safe as you can without going crazy and don’t forget to reach out to the people in your life that mean the most.  If this year has taught us anything, it’s that the connections we have with each other are what really matter.  Like the new saying goes….

“2020 wasn’t about getting what we wanted. But appreciating what we already have.”  

Amen to that

Jamie Thirsk, Editor – DJ World West

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